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Showing posts from April, 2013

Recipe:Not-too-sweet Chocolate Orange Cupcakes(EN/RO)

Hello again, lovelies! First and foremost...Yay! I made it to 100 followers! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read and subscribe to my blog :) It means a lot to me. Today, I have a recipe to share with you. To me, chocolate+ orange= love :) so,what better way to combine them than in a cupcake?Right, there is no better way. Keep in mind that you can add more sugar if you wish but I prefer it like this. Less sugar= smaller chance of getting diabetes & less calories,right? RO: Astazi, vreau sa impart o reteta cu voi.Pentru mine,ciocolata si portocalele sunt combinatia perfecta.Deci, de ce sa nu le combinam intr-o briosa? :) Daca va plac mai dulci,puteti adauga mai mult zahar,dar eu le prefer asa.Mai putin zahar= mai putine sanse sa facem diabet= mai putine calorii :) You will need: O sa aveti nevoie de : 75 grams butter(softened) ( 75 grame unt la temperatura camerei) 80 grams granulated sugar (80 grame zahar granulat) 1 teaspoon baking powder ( 1 lin...

Portrait: Lil Kim(and some inspirational thoughts)

Happy first day of the week ! :) I know, Monday sucks.But there is always something good and something bad every day and really, Monday isn't worse than any other day of the week. Maybe the sun is shining, or you're looking forward to something awesome that you have planned for the weekend or  someone smiled at you on the bus :) These are what make Mondays awesome.Now that I (hopefully) inspired you to go change the world , I present to you : I changed the paper I was drawing on. And that's about it :) If you want to see other portraits ,you can do it by checking out the "Portraits" section on the menu thingy . Also, please leave your suggestion of celebrities you like and want me to draw in the comments or contact me by e-mail if you would like me to draw a portrait of you or a friend. Have an awesome Monday! And don't forget, "Be the change you wish to see in the world" :)

1 Mai la inaltime!(RO)

Hello again! Pe blogul lui Alice   are loc din nou un concurs cu un premiu pe masura, 2 nopti cazare pentru 2 persoane la Hotel Piscu Negru, pe Transfagarasan! Yeah,that's right, pe Transfagarasan! Nu-i asa ca suna minunat? Ce trebuie sa faceti este sa raspundeti  la 5 intrebari usoare,ceea ce voi face eu acum :) 1. Cand ai fost ultima oara pe Transfagarasan? Hmm,nu imi amintesc exact dar cu aproximatie acum 2-3 ani.Oricum,eram la liceu si era in vacanta de vara, in luna iulie. Ceea ce tin minte este ca atunci cand eram la baza si nu incepusem inca sa urcam bine erau vreo 17 grade si in varful varfului temperatura scazuse pana la 7 grade. Chestia asta mi-a ramas in memorie si mereu cand povestesc cuiva despre Transfagarasan, o includ in povestioara :) Aaaa, si tin minte ca am filmat o gramada de videoclipuri cu telefonul meu mobil cu rezolutie foarte slaba :)) 2. Intra pe site-ul Hotelului   si spune-mi 3 lucruri care iti pl...

My first THBoxes order & Sensible Sunday(10)

Happy Sunday y'all! Last month, I checked out  to see if they had any jewelry that I would be interested in. For those who don't know, I'm picky when it comes to jewelry. I want them to have meaning and to symbolize something. I don't like buying plain crystal earrings or Swarowski- something necklaces. It's more about the meaning behind the piece of jewelry that has value rather than the material it is made of. Of course, if I get it as a gift that's a completely different story. Gifts always mean something :) That being said, I like to pick jewelry that represent a miniature of an object or that have something meaningful written on them. I want the necklaces or earrings I'm wearing to say something about me, my personality, my hobbies. If you would like me to do a post about all the pieces of jewelry I own and the meaning behind it, leave it in the comments :) This is why I picked this beautiful necklace from THBoxes: This show...

Giveaway cu sapun(RO)

Revin cu un anunt despre un giveaway "parfumat" pe blogul Lecturi de mamica! Concursul tine de pe 15 aprilie pe 19 aprilie ,asa ca grabiti-va sa va inscrieti !:) Premiul este acest minunat cosulet umplut cu sapunuri,un balsam de buze si un unt de corp : Link-ul catre concurs este acesta: Spor la inscris!

Review balerini ZorileStore/ ZorileStore Flats Review

Salutare! Vreau sa incep prin a spune ca balerinii(care se numesc Kitten ) au sosit neasteptat de repede. Cred ca am primit coletul pe 3 aprilie,daca nu ma insel.Deci, un plus pentru promptitudine celor de la ZorileStore :) Dar sa trecem la review in sine.Pentru toate caracteristicile balerinilor voi folosi o scala de la 1 la 10. Eleganta In primul si in primul rand, m-am simtit foarte fancy cand i-am purtat. Cineva( un baiat chiar) mi-a observat balerinii noi si asta e prima data cand cineva spune ceva despre ceea ce port in picioare.Deci, asta inseamna ceva. Mi se pare ca se potrivesc cu orice : de la o fusta eleganta la niste pantaloni scurti chic sau o rochie de vara. Poti  sa fii casual& chic sau classy&glamorous cu ei. Nota:10 Comoditate Prima data cand mi-am ales marimea, credeam ca o sa-mi fie prea mici si ma vor strange. Daca ma intreaba cineva ce numar port la picior, nici eu nu sunt prea sigura.Sandalele mele sunt 36, adidasii 37 si cizmele un 38-...

Photos & Songs...

Hello there! Today I'm back with a short post.These are a couple of pictures I took when I was bored. I really like the whole taking-pictures-of-small-objects-and-making-them-look-huge concept :) RO:Astazi m-am intors cu o scurta postare.O sa va arat cateva poze pe care le-am facut cand eram plictisita.Chiar imi place conceptul de a face poze obiectelor in miniatura si de a le face sa para mult mai mari. I think this mini bar of chocolate looks so awesome. And it tasted good, too! :) RO:Mini ciocolata asta arata asa de dragut. Dar gustul a fost si mai "dragut. Recipe for chocolate cupcakes coming soon! This is how they look like with a fancy photo effect :D RO: In curand urmeaza reteta pt. briose cu ciocolata. Asa arata cand pui un efect extravagant pozei :D Chocolate,again..What can I say? I love chocolate.This dark chocolate and cherry liquor one was pretty good. RO: Ciocolata, din nou.Ce pot sa spun?Iubesct ciocolata. E ciocolata neagra cu lichior de cirese. ...