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Sweet 'n' Sour :Lemon Cupcakes Recipe

Hello,darlings! On this cold Monday afternoon I thought about sharing another cupcake recipe.I really like the taste of lemon in a cupcake .This is perfect for enjoying on a hot summer afternoon on the beach with a glass of whatever you fancy :) But honestly,it's tasty no matter the season.

Now that I'm finally over with all the exams and have just started my 3 month long vacation,I will be cooking/baking more but most of all ,travel :) That's what summer is for.

Moving on now..this is what you need for your lovely lemon cupcakes:

  • 250 grams of all- purpose flour(250 grame faina)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder(1 lingura praf de copt)
  • a pinch of salt( un varf de cutit de sare)
  • 240 ml milk( 240 ml lapte)
  • the zest of 2 lemons( coaja a 2 lamai)
  • 60 ml lemon juice(60 ml suc de lamaie)
  • 4 egg- whites( 4 albusuri)
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar(300 grame zahar granulat)
  • 115 grams of butter( 115 grame unt)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract( 1 lingurita extract de vanilie)
If you have everything ready , what are you waiting for? Let's start mixing everything :P
First of all,preheat your oven.I preheat mine a couple of minutes before putting the  cupcake batter in because my oven doesn't show the temperature.(I have an ancient oven).


  1. Mix the flour,baking powder and salt.(Amestecati  faina,praful de copt si sarea)
  2. In another bowl,mix the milk,lemon juice and egg whites .(In alt vas,amestecati laptele,sucul de lamaie si albusurile)
  3. In bowl number 3,mix the lemon zest with the sugar.Add the butter,take a hand mixer and mix for about 3 minutes.Add the vanilla extract.(In vasul numarul 3,amestecati coaja de lamaie cu zaharul.Adaugati untul si amestecati cu mixerul in jur de 3 minute.Adaugati extractul de vanilie)
  4. In bowl number 3,pour one third of the flour and mix.Then pour one half of the milk-lemon juice-egg-whites mixture and mix yet again.Then pour another third of the flour,the other half of the milk mixture and  finally the last part of the flour-baking powder-salt mixture.Make sure to mix well anytime you add .(In vasul #3,turnati o treime din faina si amestecati.Apoi turnati jumatate din amestecul de lapte ,suc de lamaie si albusuri si amestecati din nou.Turnati a doua treime din faina,cealalta jumate din lapte si la sfarsit ultima treime faina.Nu uitati sa amestecati bine dupa fiecare adaugare.)
  5. Mix everything one more time at the end.(Amestecati totul onca o data la sfarsit)
  6. Pour the batter in cupcake liners and put them in your preheated oven for about 18 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.( Turnati compozitia in hartii pentru briose si puneti-le  in cuptorul preincalzit in jur de 18 minute sau pana cand scobitoarea iese curata)

Enjoy your cupcake!


  1. Seems really delicious Miha! I love lemon cupcakes :)

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