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Showing posts from May, 2013

Liebster Award

Hey there :) I was excited to be awarded a Liebster Award by the wonderful Danica !Thanks so much! If you don't know how this works, I have to answer 11 questions that Danica asked,say 11 facts about myself ,make up 11 questions and give other 11 bloggers this award. Notice how I use the words "award"and "11" too much? :D Anyway,moving on to the questions that Danica asked: 1.  What is your favourite color? My favorite color is purple. I started liking it when I became a fan of a local football(soccer) team that had a purple-white equipment  but it still is my favorite now after I lost interest in the team. 2. Dogs or Cats? That's a hard one :) I think dogs are more energetic and cats lazier. But because I had a couple of nasty experiences with dogs,I pick cats. 3. Most Favourite Book? The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje. I think it was the first book that made me want to see the  movie,too.And I rarely watch the movie and read the book. 4. What is ...

My Perfect Imperfection TAG (RO/EN)

Hello! :) Ce mai faceti? Sper ca aveti un sfarsit de saptamana minunat!.Revin cu un nou tag, ii multumesc Oanei  .Acestea fiind zise, sa trecem la reguli: How are you?I hope you're having a wonderful week-end!I have a new tag for you(thank you ,Oana,for tagging me).That being said,let's get on to the rules : Enumera 3 defecte fizice ,imperfectiuni care te deranjeaza / List 3 physical flaws that you have and that bother you Numeste 3 calitati fizice ,lucruri care iti plac la tine / Name 3 physical qualities of yours that you like Vorbeste despre ele,exact de ce te deranjeaza iti plac,modul in care te fac sa te simti / Talk about them,what exactly bothers you,why you like those qualities,the way they make you feel Da tag-ul mai departe altor 5 persoane / Tag 5 people 1.Hmm,as putea spune ca primul lucru care ma deranjeaza la mine este nasul,pe locul doi (nu stiu daca  asta se pune) miopia mea :)  (totusi,e o imperfectiune a ochilor) si nu in ultimul r...

100 $ Cash Blogger Opp!Sign Up!

Hi,lovelies!Check out this opportunity :) This giveaway is hosted by Empowered Mommy along with their blogging friends. It's Summer Time! We are giving away $100 Cash to one lucky winner. Wipe the sweat! Blogger Opportunity: - Participation is free with announcement post or $5 without announcement post. - Get 1 free link (Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest) on rafflecopter if you agree to promote the giveaway. - Host pages, secret word, comments to your blog post available for $11 each. Grab your places now and get those Alexa numbers down! Limited places - first come first serve basis! - Extra links $2 each (No referral links allowed) - Co-host spots available for $20 - get a link back to your blog on each giveaway post as well as 3 free additional links. Referral prize: Those who refers the most bloggers to sign up gets a link back of their blog on each giveaway post for free! All payments received goes towards the giveaway. Questions goes to: admin@empowered...

Hai sa ne cunoastem mai bine/ Let's get to know each other (TAG)

Salut! Hey! Am fost nominalizata pentru prima data la o leapsa de catre Oana  :) Intrebarile mi se par minunate pentru ca ne permit sa ne cunoastem mai bine si la un nivel mai profund. For the first time, I was tagged by Oana.The questions in the tag are wonderful because they allow us to get to know each other better and at a deeper level. ( source ) Deci,sa incepem: Lets begin: 1. Descrie-ti viata,in momentul actual,printr-un singur cuvant : Blocata - Nu stiu daca este un cuvant potrivit ca sa descrii viata,dar simt ca sunt blocata intr-un punct al vietii si ca nu pot avansa.Probabil fiindca am luat anumite decizii sub presiune si acum fac ceva ce nu ma face fericita in loc sa-mi fi urmat visul. Describe your life,as it is today,in just one word : Stuck- I don't know if it's a good word to describe life but I feel like I'm stuck at this point in my life and I can't move forward.Maybe this happened because I took some decisions under pressure and now I...