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My Perfect Imperfection TAG (RO/EN)

Hello! :)

Ce mai faceti? Sper ca aveti un sfarsit de saptamana minunat!.Revin cu un nou tag, ii multumesc Oanei .Acestea fiind zise, sa trecem la reguli:
How are you?I hope you're having a wonderful week-end!I have a new tag for you(thank you ,Oana,for tagging me).That being said,let's get on to the rules:
  • Enumera 3 defecte fizice ,imperfectiuni care te deranjeaza/List 3 physical flaws that you have and that bother you
  • Numeste 3 calitati fizice ,lucruri care iti plac la tine/Name 3 physical qualities of yours that you like
  • Vorbeste despre ele,exact de ce te deranjeaza iti plac,modul in care te fac sa te simti/Talk about them,what exactly bothers you,why you like those qualities,the way they make you feel
  • Da tag-ul mai departe altor 5 persoane/Tag 5 people

1.Hmm,as putea spune ca primul lucru care ma deranjeaza la mine este nasul,pe locul doi (nu stiu daca  asta se pune) miopia mea :)  (totusi,e o imperfectiune a ochilor) si nu in ultimul rand platfus-ul .

I can say that the 1st thing that bothers me is my nose,the 2nd one is my myopia(that counts as an "eye flaw") and last but not least my flatfoot.

2.Acum sa trecem la partea mai frumoasa a tag-ului :) In  categoria calitati as include buzele, culoarea ochilor si parul.
Now,on to the more beautiful part of the tag :) In the "qualities" category I would include my lips,my eye color and my hair.

3.Sa detaliem toate cele de mai sus. Nasul meu este o combinatie intre un nas lung si unul borcanat si inca de mica mi-a "stat in drum"  :) Cred ca este partea fetei mele care m-a deranjat mereu .
-In 2005 m-am dus pentru prima oara la control la oftalmolog si am aflat ca il mostenesc pe tatal meu cu miopia.Cand eram in scoala primara mereu ma chinuiam sa citesc la tabla asa ca parintii au luat atitudine. Am purtat ochelarii pana in 2008,cred,cand am intrat la liceu si credeam ca toata lumea o sa rada de mine ca port ochelari,asa ca am refuzat sa-i port.Ochelarii actuali ii am din 2010 si nu cred ca-i voi da jos prea curand :)
Cat despre platfus,am aflat de el de abia in 2011 cand am fost la un control pentru o alta problema la picior.Pentru asta mi s-au dat taloneti,dar ii port rar fiindca nu imi amintesc sa ii tot mut dintr-o pereche de pantofi in alta :))
Let's get into detail :) My nose is a combination between a long and a bottle nose and has been "getting in my way" ever since I was a child :) I think it's the part of my face that has always bothered me.
-In 2005 I went to the ophthalmologist for the 1st time and found out that I take after my dad concerning myopia.When I was in elementary school I always had trouble seeing what was written on the blackboard .I got prescription glasses and wore them until 2008,when I decided that going to high school with glasses would be "uncool" ,so I stopped wearing them.I got the glasses I'm wearing today in 2010 and I don't think I'll change them to soon :)
As for the flatfoot, I found out about it in 2011 when I went to an orthopedist for another leg "problem".I bought some inserts to put in my shoes, but I rarely remember to move them from one shoe to another :)

Despre calitati nu sunt multe de zis.Ochii mei sunt maro-inchis care bate spre negru si parul e negru (desi momentan e un amestec intre roscat si brunet).
As for the qualities,there is not much to say.My eyes are dark-brown-almost black and my hair is black(at the moment it's a reddish black)

In mare,am invatat sa ma accept asa cum sunt,cu bune si cu rele.Asa cum spune si citatul din imaginea de sus, " Accepta-te pe tine insuti" :)
Overall,I've learned to accept myself the way I am ,with the good and the bad.Just as the quote in the image says" Accept yourself" :)

4.Dau tagul mai departe urmatoarelor persoane:
I tag the following people :


  1. Multumesc pentru nominalizare . Acum 2 zile am facut acest tag :)

  2. We all have flaws. We all have physical imperfections. Even the most beautiful among us, no one is perfect! But each of us also has an amazing inner beauty that we can share with the world. We have to love our imperfections and let our true beauty come shining through ;)
    Thank you soooo much for thinking of me, I'm really flattered<3
    If you get some time, please take a look on my blog to see the "award/tag" you gave me. It's on the left sidebar just below of "GOOGLE+ FOLLOWERS" and of the "Flags", on “PRÉMIOS // AWARDS// TAGS“.
    It has a message, and your blog's link! All the awards/tags are there forever! They're ordered by date, your is the last one. I can't post it, because they're a lot of them :P
    I hope you like it :)

    Thank you so much again, I really appreciate it! You are a sweetheart<3<3<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

    1. Thanks,Maria! That is so sweet of you :) And I couldn't agree more with what you said about flaws!

  3. Its a really nicepost dear.

    I have an international clothing giveaway goin on,Hope you participate.

  4. id like to invite you to my OASAP giveaway


  5. Hey love!

    Since I absolutely Adore your blog, I nominated you for a Liebster Award :))

    Here's my post about it

  6. Foarte cute tag-ul :*
    Ai un blog tare dragut … te invit pe la mine… as aprecia daca te-ai abona :*

  7. Hello sweety! Since i was away from blogging couldn't reply you soon! Thanks for stopping by and I heartly appreciate it! And thanks for tagging too! (: Stop by me soon! xx

    With love ❤.

  8. Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share


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