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Hai sa ne cunoastem mai bine/ Let's get to know each other (TAG)


Am fost nominalizata pentru prima data la o leapsa de catre Oana :) Intrebarile mi se par minunate pentru ca ne permit sa ne cunoastem mai bine si la un nivel mai profund.

For the first time, I was tagged by Oana.The questions in the tag are wonderful because they allow us to get to know each other better and at a deeper level.

Deci,sa incepem:

Lets begin:

1.Descrie-ti viata,in momentul actual,printr-un singur cuvant : Blocata - Nu stiu daca este un cuvant potrivit ca sa descrii viata,dar simt ca sunt blocata intr-un punct al vietii si ca nu pot avansa.Probabil fiindca am luat anumite decizii sub presiune si acum fac ceva ce nu ma face fericita in loc sa-mi fi urmat visul.

Describe your life,as it is today,in just one word : Stuck- I don't know if it's a good word to describe life but I feel like I'm stuck at this point in my life and I can't move forward.Maybe this happened because I took some decisions under pressure and now I'm doing something that doesn't make me happy instead of following my dreams.

2.Daca l-ai "intalni" pe Dumnezeu si ai putea sa ii adresezi o singura intrebare,care ar fi aceasta?: Care este rolul meu in viata?

If you were able to "meet" God and could ask him just one question,what would this question be?: What is my "role" in life?

3.Se spune ca "Niciodata nu trebuie sa zici niciodata".Insa tu esti convinsa ca NICIODATA: nu voi renunta la valorile mele de dragul unei persoane.

People say "Never say never" but you are convinced that you will never: give up my values and beliefs to please a person.

4.Cum ai defini iubirea in cat mai putine cuvinte?:Reciprocitate,comunicare si valori  comune.

How would you define love in as fewer words as possible? Reciprocity, communication and similar beliefs.

5.Daca ai putea sa dai un defect pe o calitate,care ar fi acestea?: As da incapatanarea pe curaj.Incapatanarea e un obstacol in propria dezvoltare,pe cand curajul te ajuta sa mergi inainte.

If you were able to trade a flaw for a quality,which would these be? I would trade stubbornness for courage.Stubbornness is an obstacle for personal growth,while courage helps you move forward.

6.Daca o persoana iti face rau in mod intentionat,cum reactionezi?Ii platesti cu aceeasi moneda sau o ierti?:  Probabil ca pe moment as avea dorinta de razbunare si as incerca sa-mi dau seama de ce a facut-o ,dar in final o voi ierta pentru a putea trai cu constiinta impacata.

If someone hurts you willingly,how do you react?Do you do the same thing he/she did to you or forgive him/her?: On the moment,I would probably want to take revenge and I would try to figure out why they did it but in the end I would forgive that person t o have a clear conscience.

7.Te-ai intrebat vreodata care ar fi "rolul" tau in aceasta lume?.Si daca raspunsul este afirmativ,ai gasit un raspuns?: Da,m-am intrebat de multe ori .O viata traita fara un "rol" si fara un scop este o viata traita degeaba, in opinia mea. Cred este o intrebare tipica pentru tinerii care ajung la varsta studentiei si cauta sa "aiba un loc" in lume.Si nu, nu am gasit inca raspunsul la intrebare,dar din fericire mai am timp.

Did you ever ask yourself what your "role" is in this world?If yes,did you find the answer?:Yes,I've asked myself that many times.I think living a life without a "role" and a goal is an empty life,I thing it's a typical question for students  who are trying to find "their place" in life.And no,I haven't found the answer to this question yet but luckily I've still got time.

8.Ce ai schimba la oameni?: Departarea de credinta si valori morale.

What would you change at people?: Their alienation from faith and moral beliefs.

9.Daca ai putea da timpul inapoi ai schimba ceva din trecutul tau?: Sunt parti din trecutul meu care as fi dorit sa fie altfel,dar nu a stat in puterea mea sa le schimb. Dar ceea ce s-a intamplat in trecut m-a facut sa fiu omul care sunt astazi si chiar daca am defecte pe care cred ca le-am dobandit pe parcursul vietii mele de pana acum,stiu ca daca nu le-as avea pe acestea ,as avea altele. Oricum, toti ne luptam cu defecte.

If you were able to turn back time,would you change something about your past?: There are parts of my  past that I wish would have been different, but I was not in control of them.What has happened in the past made me the person I am today and even if I have flaws that "I picked up" along the way,I know that if I didn't have these,I would have other flaws.Everyone "fights" with their flaws.

10.Care este persoana pe care o admiri cel mai mult?: Probabil mama.O admir pentru faptul ca a reusit sa treaca peste atatea greutati in viata si totusi a ramas rabdatoare si a rezistat.

Who is the person you admire the most?: Probably my mom. I admire her for getting over the hard times in her life and still managing to be patient .

11.Ce faci cand vezi pe cineva necunoscut plangand?: Sigur,toti suntem oameni si primul meu instinct e sa il/o consolez,dar cum nu am curajul sa o fac.De asemenea, ma intristez fiindca este normal sa "plangi cu cei ce plang".

What do you do when you see a person you don't know crying?: Of course, we are all humans ans my first instinct is to console him/her but I'm not brave enough to  do that.I also get sad because it's  normal  " to cry with those who cry".

12.Daca ai afla ca mai ai doar o zi de trait cum ti-ai petrece-o?: Probabil incercand sa ajut cat mai multi oameni cu un zambet,o fapta buna si sa recapitulez tot ce am facut pana acum in viata.As cere iertarea tuturor celor carora le-am gresit(daca pot ajunge la ei) si as incerca sa fac anumite lucruri pe care mereu mi-am dorit sa le fac. (Cam multe intr-o singura zi,stiu :) )

If you found out that you had just one more day to live, how would you spend it?: I would probably try to help as many people as I can with a smile, a good deed and try to do a recap of my life.I would ask for forgiveness of the people I did wrong to(if I can reach them) and I would try to do some things that I've always wanted to do ( I know, too many things in one day :) )

13.Gandeste-te cum erai acum 5 ani,ce aspiratii si vise aveai?Ai realizat ceva din tot ceea ce aveai in plan?:  Acum 5 ani eram in primul an de liceu.Probabil ca prima mea dorinta era sa-l si termin :) Si am reusit asta.De asemenea, vroiam sa imi iau carnetul de conducere cat mai repede.Si am reusit si asta.La varsta aceea, visele tale sunt cam... limitate.Nu-mi pot aminti alte aspiratii.

Think about how you were 5 years ago,what dreams and aspirations did you have? Did you make any of your dreams come true?: 5 years ago I was a freshman in high school.My first wish was probably to finish high school :) And I did that.I also wanted to get my driving licence as soon as possible.And I did that ,too.At that age, your dream are kind can't remember any other aspirations I had.

14.Daca ai putea sa afli ceva din viitorul tau ce anume ai vrea sa stii?: Nimic.Imi place necunoscutul,spontanul.Nu as putea suporta sa stiu ceva inainte sa se intample.
If you were able to find out anything about your future,what would you want to know?: Nothing.I like the unknown,the spontaneous.I couldn't stand knowing about something before it happened.

15.Te deranjeaza cand alta persoana face un lucru pe care nu il suporti,insa tu la randul tau il faci : Cand incerci sa ai o conversatie cu cineva si celalalt nu introduce subiecte noi si pare total dezinteresat.Din pacate, fac si eu asta cateodata, dar "lupt" cu acest defect.
You are bothered when someone else does it,but you do it yourself: When you're trying to have a conversation with someone and the other person doesn't  come up with topics and seems totally disinterested. Unfortunately,I do that sometimes but I'm "fighting" this flaw.

Multumesc,Oana pentru ca mi-ai transmis aceasta leapsa.Am sa o transmit si ultimilor 10 urmaritori ai blogului meu,dar oricine doreste o poate face :)
Thank you for tagging me,Oana.I'm tagging my last 10 GFC followers but anyone can do it.
Persoanele carora le transmit leapsa sunt:
The people I'm tagging are:
Timeless Mode


  1. Nu stiu daca eu sunt Claudia cea nominalizat,dar oricum imi place tag-ul:)

    1. Da, tu esti :) Nu ti-am gasit link-ul spre blog in profilul blogger

  2. Thank you very much. You're very considerate with my blog. Congratulations for your award.
    Kisses and Hugs.

  3. Miha,ma bucur mult ca ti-au placut intrebarile si ca ai raspuns atat de repede.

    Cu ocazia asta,am descoperit si o alta parte a ta,sper sa ne cunoastem si mai bine,in viitor.


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  5. Miha,te astept la un nou TAG. Sper sa iti placa. :d


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